Saturday, October 09, 2004

Movie: Ladder 49

I saw Ladder 49 last night at AMC Barrywoods. The movie stars Juaquin Phoenix and John Travolta. I enjoyed the movie. It was emotional. I was happy that I was able to enjoy a movie about firefighters, which has been done before, in films such as Backdraft.

The movie is set in Baltimore. This is interesting, because my cousin Derek is a police officer in Baltimore. He is probably familiar with a lot of the sites mentioned in the movie. In fact, I'm sure he works with the fire department on occasion.

I went to the movie by myself, because Sharon was not feeling well, and Dominic was sick. I think Sharon would like the movie, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. We'll probably wait for the video though, since there are some other movies that we both want to see at the theater (if we ever get a chance to go together!).

The movie definitely inspired me. It made me want to do something heroic. And, it reminded me once again how important it is to live each day to its fullest, and always make sure those around me know that I love them.

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