Sunday, January 20, 2008

Movie: Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie

Sharon and I took Benny to his first movie last night. He did pretty well for the first 2/3 of the movie, but then he decided to explore the nearly-empty theater. First, he began to get squirrelly in his seat, doing some acrobatics on the armrest. Then, he ventured out from our row to the top row of the theater. He then proceeded down to the front row of the theater. Now, I was trying to decide whether to go chase him, or if that would just make him run and yell. There were only about 6 other people in the theater, so I let him go for as long as I could. Finally, he went back up to the top row and started yelling, "I'm up here Dada." I went to retrieve him, and sat him on my lap for the rest of the show. It was a good time--a special memory.

The movie itself was o.k. I was actually a bit disappointed. I've really liked several VeggieTales movies in the past, but this one just didn't catpure my interest. It wasn't horrible, just not as good as I was expecting.

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